Each image in the gallery is wrapped in a link element, and the script prevents the default behavior of the link, so users who have JavaScript off are still able to see the image in a new page, and those who have JavaScript on will see it in the gallery with fading effect.
<div id="main-photo"> <a href="img/1.jpg"><img src="img/1.jpg"></a> </div> <div id="thumbs"> <a href="img/1.jpg"><img src="img/1.jpg" width="110" height="70"></a> <a href="img/2.jpg"><img src="img/2.jpg" width="110" height="70"></a> <a href="img/3.jpg"><img src="img/3.jpg" width="110" height="70"></a> <a href="img/4.jpg"><img src="img/4.jpg" width="110" height="70"></a> <a href="img/5.jpg"><img src="img/5.jpg" width="110" height="70"></a> </div>
Remember to insert this after the jQuery library.
(function($) { $(function() { $('#thumbs a').click(function() { var newPhoto = $(''); newPhoto.hide(); var oldPhoto = $('#main-photo img'); $('#main-photo').html(newPhoto); newPhoto.fadeIn(500); oldPhoto.remove(); return false; }); }); })(jQuery)